Roe Vs Wade Research Paper

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Roe vs Wade
Not hearing your child cry for the first time is very heartbreaking. Women did not want their baby so they decided to have an abortion. I think that everything happens for a purpose so if they are pregnant they should have that baby. Once abortions and babies were dying so they passed a law in. Women in Texas were protesting about they wanted to have abortions. I think that is cruel that they want to kill their baby. I think it's very simple if you don't want kids that's fine. If you get pregnant then don't let your child suffer for you bad decision making. Instead of getting an abortion then let someone adopt your baby so you child can have a life.
To begin, this had all started when this girl in Texas the law was passed that people couldn’t have abortions unless it’s before the second trimester. This women wanted to have an abortion because she knew she couldn’t take care of it. These women petition against the law to tell people that they want to have that option to have abortions. So basically they want to kill their own child. As the years progress the more abortions there is. In my opinion they should treat this as a murder. You are killing your child. So they should suffer like the other did. Unless the child is going to kill the mother and they have no choice, but to have an abortions. I think this should be in the …show more content…

In the 14th amendment tell us that we can only do certain thing like grant all citizenship. Allowing people to be born. Everyone that is born in the United States are freed even slaves”. So they passed this law to Texas and not allow anyone to get abortions. Today many states have this law and I think it’s a very good idea to have this. In roe vs wade in Texas the law is still true to this day. In Texas the mothers got an abortion for one or two reasons. They didn't want to have their baby adopted by someone else. They might not have enough money to have

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