Roger Pinckney's Hoodoo: Gullah Geechee Oral Culture

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Folklore is an expressive demonstration that people learn by being members of a specific community and is passed down from generation to generation.This form of folklore is passed down from generation to generation from those who practice it. Many Hoodoo practitioners continue the lineage of the slaves who arrived in the United States of America from West Africa. In West Africa, Hoodoo is known as Ggbo. Additionally, Hoodoo shines a light into Gullah Geechee oral traditions, which contain rituals and material culture. For example, It was so common in Gullah culture that Roger Pinckney recalls hearing a saying, “If you don’t shut up, I’m going to Beaufort on you.”
Hoodoo is a traditional form of folk magic and medicine that is also known as …show more content…

He was known as a clever trickster for the games he played on his master and for his enduring spirit, which was never dampened by his life in captivity. Additionally, it is the most important root in contemporary Hoodoo. Despite it being the critical root in Hoodoo, there is confusion about the root and where its effectiveness comes from. Some believe the power of this root comes from its shape, which resembles a “black male’s testicle”(Darnold). The High John root encourages happiness and enduring …show more content…

Voodoo calls upon a specific set of deities and spirits and is an actual religion. Whereas Hoodoo is a set of skills used in folk magic. Furthermore, Voodoo is the “original religion”, while hoodoo is the product of religious victimization and suppression. The ancient African religion of Vodoun is a religion with its ancient roots in West Africa. The modern form of Vodoun is practiced across West Africa. In Haiti, Cuba, and other Caribbean islands, the worship of the Vodoun gods is practiced in a syncretic form.
Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group people that cover a vast area. No matter what culture humans identify with, it is always evolving. The Gullah Geechee people’s culture is unique. They have stayed true to their roots for centuries and their way of life will not change. The passion this group of people puts into their rituals and beliefs comes from their sturdy ancestral ties.They have left their folkloric legacy across the Southeastern United States through their religion and rituals. Works Cited