Roger Sherman Argumentative Essay

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In a time before the United States was a country, and striving for independence, an infamous man, Roger Sherman, took a stand against Britain countless times with his fellow patriots to create a new and independent government. The government we know of today wouldn’t have been possible if Roger Sherman hadn’t taken a stand by signing all four original American documents, ratifying the Constitution, and coming up with the Great Compromise. At first, when he created these works, it caused for major differences in opinion and an upheaval in the world, but in the end, helped establish a government the world had never seen before. Throughout history, people see issues within their society and do nothing or act upon them. In the United States, …show more content…

While most people tend to give the same people credit for everything, and leave out the people who worked behind the scenes. Sherman especially is one of the individuals left out. At one convention, with the help of another man, Sherman came up with the idea of Article 1 Section 10. (Sherman, Roger. “A Caveat Against Injustice”) Although this amendment isn’t brought up, or even known about, it helps the government control what companies enter the United States. Without this piece, there would be businesses from all around the world taking over our economy. Later on, there were disputes about the newly ratified Constitution. Federalists and anti federalists arose due to their differing views over the newest work. Federalists were for the Constitution, while anti federalists were against the Constitution, mostly because it didn’t have a guaranteed set of rights for citizens. Due to the anti federalists, a Bill of Rights was introduced. Author of the Constitution, James Madison, wanted the Bill of Rights to be intermixed within the document. (The Life of Roger Sherman) Sherman on the other hand, wanted to have the Bill of Rights be a separate document, that way rights were clear and concise. (Amendments to the Constitution) Sherman had a clear view on essential human rights. He even said at one point, “The question is, not what rights naturally belong to man, but how they may most