
Roger Stronstad's The Charismatic Theology Of The Holy Spirit

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Roger Stronstad makes compelling arguments for his beliefs in modern Charismatic faith through his work, “The Charismatic Theology of the Holy Spirit.” He constantly makes clear connections to scripture, which support the points that he makes. I find this method of proving your point refreshing as it shows that he is truly getting and connecting his information to the best source. Stronstad also manages to bring many voices into his arguments. throughout his book, he constantly brings in books, essays, and other works from other authors that help prove his points. The other voices bring a high quality of credibility to Stronstad’s argument, making me, as a reader, consider his thoughts more and trust what he is saying is authentic. In other …show more content…

One point he makes that I agree with talks about the meaning and purpose of baptism in the Holy Spirit. He identifies the purpose of baptism as empowerment for service rather than conversion. I appreciate this point personally because I never knew what to think about baptism, especially with the modern argument in the church that baptism is the only way you can be saved and go to heaven. This points out to me that it is not baptism, but rather a servant like heart, that saves you. Baptism simply empowers your ability to serve. Another point he makes that has impacted my view on the Bible is his distinction made between Paul and Luke. They both speak on baptism in diverse ways, but Stronstad makes the point that the definition and meaning of baptism remains the same, but the perspectives based on the authors are different. He stresses the importance of continuity of scripture and distinction of authors. This helps me as I read seemingly contradictory verses in scripture, knowing now that I may just need to dig deeper. Lastly, Stronstad makes an enticing argument on the overall ministry of salvation. He emphasizes the drastic importance of the spirit in all ministry, both in the times of scripture and today. He specifically talks about the necessity of the spirits anointing, empowerment, and leading in ministry. The Holy Spirit needs to choose, equip, and guide for a ministry to be effective. As I lead my own ministry, this is detrimental for me to keep in mind, and Stronstad reminded me of

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