
Roger's Cruelty: Summary

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Roger is a boy that snatched a lady purse. When he tried to take it the scarp had broke and he falls and the lady grabs him made him pick the purse up and hand it back to her. The boy tries to take the purse because he needed money for some suave shoes . The boy might’ve been poor. The thing is that he had great manors. He’s a black boy, skinny, and had an afro. When the lady grabs him he thinks that she fin to call the police on him. The boy was well respectful and kind. An Mrs. Jones was respectful and kind Roger. She gives him $10.00 to buy himself some suave shoes. When she took him in the house he looks at the stairs because he had thought about running away but he didn’t. Mrs. Jones wasn’t always good she had did some bad things
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