The Importance Of Family In Chile

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IV. Social Institutions
A. Family

1. Nuclear Family The Family is one the important part of Chileans. In nuclear family it forms an important area for most people there. Children are very close ties to their family specifically parents, even well into adulthood. Chilean is a traditionally one, and in many traditional families, girls are still expected to do most of the cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and child-sitting. Even in the most traditional families, though, women still have an important role in household decisions. Recently, women have been playing an increasingly important role in business and professions. Family in Chileans takes precedence. Job overtime is unusual, as is working on the weekends. Having quality time to spend with family and enjoy life is an important part of Chilean culture.

2. Extended Family

This type of family, has occupied an important place in Chilean …show more content…

Chile is not that cored up with the “post Christian” culture of the North America and Europe. There’s no need for the sexes to have the rival with the same sexes. Men against men and women against women is the only reasonable competition occurs within each gender Equality. The sexes is absurd since men and women (and their respective roles) are different-although there that has been some attempt to do so recently. Chile is still more conservative and traditional society than what is found in the USA or Western Europe. It resembles the USA 60 years ago, even things have been charging as more women study and become professionals. Chileans have happier relationships than other country do. In Chile, both sexes have very fulfilling lives for the most part. Even in case of divorce and separation, they often maintain a cordiality and familiarity which is far less and spiteful than what is produced in American feminist culture with its divorce