Role Of God In Christianity

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The monotheistic faiths conceive God as Supreme Being and central figure of faith (Honderich 137). Theologians ascribe qualities like omniscience (all-wise), omnipresence (all-pervasive), omnipotence (all-powerful) and immortality. Additionally, God has been attributed with characteristics like omnibenevolence (infinitely good) and all-loving. God envisioned by Christian faith is the eternal entity and the creator of the universe and sustains it. Christians believe the God of Christianity to be transcendent (ultimate and independent) and immanent (involved in world) (Erickson 87). Christian belief of immanence and His affection for humans and humanity does not necessitate Him constituted from the similar essence as …show more content…

Systematic theology as a field of study of Christian theology theorizes a regular, logical and coherent account of Christian faith and beliefs. The Christian doctrine has gone through philosophical evolution over the course of history. Systematic theology draws on such doctrines and fundamental sacred texts of Christianity. At the heart of the system of theological thought is the development of method; one that can be applied universally or specifically. The Systematic theology in this essay will explore God (theology proper), God’s attributes, the Trinity as followed by trinitarian christians, et cetera. The early church fathers were surrounded by cultured world and they made comprehensive use of reason and philosophy to defend Christianity. Justin Martyr stressed the ineffability, omnipotence and impassibility of God. Others like Athenagoras and Theophilus focused on God's simplicity, indivisibility and universal providence. Irenaeus emphasised on self-sufficiency and perfection of one God to counter Gnostics. Bible taught that the primary divine attributes of God are eternity, immutability, omniscience and omnipotence and they were …show more content…

In 4th century, the Athanasian Creed expressed the doctrine following being part of it: to trinitarian christians (catholic christians, eastern orthodox christians and majority of protestant order), the father (God) is not a separate entity from the Son (Jesus, he being incarnation) as well as the Holy Spirit, “the other hypostases of the Christian Almighty” (Taylor 1998). Owing to the endeavors of Karl Barth, who wrote fourteen volumes of Church Dogmatics, the doctrine of the Trinity was given burgeoning theological heed in 20th century (Flores 163). The revelation of word of God is related to the Trinity and this theological focus is what makes Christian concept of God unique and different from other