Thomas Aquinas Proof Of God Essay

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PAPER #2 History of philosophy: Philosophy 20B Thomas Aquinas reasons that “God is one” in the Summa theologiae, part one, question eleven, article three. Using three proofs, one on “Gods simplicity,” the second on “the infinity of Gods perfection” and the last based on “the unity of the world.” The following will be Dissecting and providing explanations along with criticism. As well, what it is meant by “God is one”. The claim of God being one means that God is independent of any other being. He lacks nothing and does not require anything else to help or to complete himself. The act of being One is a Claim to supremacy, as the only entity responsible for all other existence. In the sense that he is a simple composite of himself only and not made of anything more. He first must exist so His earlier argument for whether god has existence trumps the doubt of God’s existence. His five proofs based on: the existence of a first mover, the necessary existent in itself, the first efficient cause, the graduation of things in nature to the best, and the necessity to have a realizer of an objects end, are all found in the Summa Theologiae, part one, question two, Article three. All of the assumed individuals needed for existence take on the name …show more content…

As the last proof is not as secure as the first two. The “infinite perfection of god” stands out the most promising as it capitalizes on the perfection of a single being. It is irrefutable that the perfect being is infinitely perfect since perfection is ideal. As well as the ability of the universe to only produce one perfect simple God. If there were to be many perfect Gods, they would be one in the same and the same being. The “unity of the world” has its reasonings of a single point of expansion to the rest of the universe. As there should be an origin to everything. But is easily defeated by the possibility of a wide range to the rest of the