Aquinas's Argument On The Existence Of God

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God 's existence has been a continuous debate certainly for centuries. The issue of God 's

existence is debatable because of the different kind of controversies that can be raised from

an "Atheist as being the non-believer of God" and a "Theist who is the believer of God". An

atheist can raise different objections on the order of the universe by claiming that the science is a

reason behind the perfection of the universe. In Aquinas 's fifth argument, he claims that the order

of the universe cannot be explained by chance, but only by design and purpose. To explain this

order of the universe he concludes that, there is an intelligent being whom we call "God". As

being a theist, I find Aquinas 's fifth argument significant because the universe is in a perfect

order: the cycles of life and death, the seasons of the year, and the mysteries of the human body

can 't be just simply explained by science. This order and balance is not unplanned or random.

The world and everything in it has been created with a perfect plan by all knowing and all

powerful "God".

Despite of Aquinas 's fifth argument being one of the most prominent argument for the

existence of God, there are some limitations to the fifth argument. The expected limitations

especially from the atheists can be applied to this argument due to its nature in the fact that it’s

inductive, meaning we can never be 100% certain of its correctness. One example that can be

used by an