
Role Of Judas In Night By Elie Wiesel

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father. It is not too late, Peter. Let us--
Judas tries to touch Peter
Don't you dare touch me!

Hate me for what I have done, I deserve it; but now there is a greater battle. We must save the Rabbi. Sheath your sword for the moment and reach for this higher purpose. We need to pray, Peter.

Pray? Hear him talk of pray. The Rabbi went to the Garden of Gethsemane, he prayed far into the night. We waited, we slept; still, he prayed. What did his prayers do? Tell me Judas, what did his prayers do?

Thomas, what help will it do for the Rabbi if we fight each other instead of--

Answer the question, Judas, what did the prayers of the Rabbi do?

I am guilty. I know it. You don't have to sing it out on the highest …show more content…

Those lying lips that kissed the Rabbi in deceit?

These lips that betrayed him are the same lips that desire to save him. These same lips that wail in sorrow are the same lips that fight for his life. These same lips… These same lips... All these same lips want to do is hold up the pillar before it falls and shatters forever. Join me. Let us pray.

Pray to whom? To a God who stands aside while his servant is slaughtered? Do you beseech us to pray to the God of the Jews or to the God of Jesus the Nazarene?

Let us then pray to the one true God, the God of Jesus the Messiah.

A Messiah! How can the dead save the living? …show more content…

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.’ Remember, he gave you the name Peter; he gave you power and authority. Use it for the Rabbi now, set him free. You have the keys, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in the heavens, Peter, decree that the Rabbi step down from that cross and walk free, walk unscathed from the hands of his enemies, save the Messiah,

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