Good Morning Everyone, today I am lucky enough to have this opportunity to create a podcast for you linking the concepts of childhood and children’s play to daily practice. Children’s Play is a core element of early childhood programs and has been for many years as it provides a rich context for learning (EYLF, 2014). Play-based learning underpins the Early Years Learning Framework (2014) as well as all aspects of children’s development (EYLF, 2014). Today we will be exploring the types and roles of play that develops children’s physical, social and intellectual development. I will also be discussing the importance of play-based pedagogies in the contemporary Early Childhood Educational Setting.
Let’s begin quickly with What is Play? Play
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Role play or creative play are two ways in which contribute to social development. Children are able to play through demonstrating skills such as imagination, communication and cooperation . they may also participate in sociodramatic play which involves the objects, situations and actions of role play (Frost, J., Worthman, S., & Reifel, S, 2005).
The role of play in intellectual development fosters an increase cognitive development through extending the child’s ability to think, understand, remember and imagine (Arthur, L., Beecher, B., Dockett, S.,& Farmer, S, 2018). Children who have access to a variety of engaging open-ended learning experiences including storybooks, building games and age-appropriate jigsaw puzzles stimulate a child’s intellectual development (Early Years Matter,
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In brief, a child-led approach define by the Early Years Learning Framework is the child’s ability to make choices and decisions that influence events and have an impact on their world (Frost, J., Worthman, S., & Reifel, S, 2005). A guided approach involves both the educators and the children initiating to support extended learning through adult support. On the other end of the continuum is adult-centred approach, this is one where the educators decide what and how the children will learn (Arthur, L., Beecher, B., Dockett, S., &Farmer, S,