Supporting Student-Centred Learning In Classroom Analysis

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Assignment 1 – Reflective Discussion
Traditional classrooms have taken a back seat in recent years, following the recent popularity of modern learning environments (MLE). These innovative learning spaces are catered to support and provide the opportunity for children to learn collaboratively, engaging in central and experimental learning experiences.

The mainstream learning style of a classroom has been a continual failure in the education sector (Nair, 2011). Constructed in the 20th century educators saw learning as direct instruction. Add more. Robinson, 2010, states that factory style learning, does not achieve a child’s ability to be a diverse thinker. In contrary to creativity, classrooms are built strict lockdown times, separate subject …show more content…

Ken Robinson states that revolutionising the education system, so learning is no longer linear, but organic, will support this change and resonate with the add more. The outcome of human development cannot be predicted, but through creating environments, in which individual can develop their….

Fielding Nair, 2015, recognises the four following aspects to be the most fundamental to support student-centred learning in MLE.
The first is individualism. This characteristic provides the opportunity for children to develop and customise their own pathway, choosing to work individually or with others. This embodies the culture of student-directed learning, where each child experience of learning is driven primarily by them.

Secondly, is community-based. Building learning environments where co-planning and co-teaching is adhered, builds on this principle of community. Inviting parents to join in and support their child’s learning, offers this strong connection…. Add …show more content…

This aspect of choice is often limited in normal schooling, prohibiting children from becoming engaged and passionate about their schooling. The education model that was designed a century ago no longer prepares children for the expectations of the real world. Horn, 2013, explains that batching student together in a classroom, teaching them the same subjects the same way every day is ineffective when jobs today require flexible and diverse thinking and develop more specialised skills. Sitting in classroom, listening to the same information does not allow children to inspire and cultivate their individual talents and interests. Schools should be designed purely with the intention building on student’s academic and recreational needs. I am beginning to understand the idea of how teachers work togerther in these environments bringing forward their subject strengths. Teachers can then bring forward a considerable amount of knowledge or skill in a particular subject and therefore be the primary educator in this area of inquiry. This strength-based teaching enhances the range of pedagogies including delivering, applying, creating, communicating and decision-making (Osborne,