The Importance Of Change In Education

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Change is inevitable in education as in all areas . Shifting perspectives within education and efforts of reform within it can be considered as educational change . The process of adapting or becoming used to the new ideas and meeting the needs of educational change require considerable efforts. This educational change can be a threat, opportunity, problem or neutral depending on our viewpoint. Introduction of these educational changes like school reform, teaching and teacher professionalism is possible through new curricula. In order to design , develop and disseminate this new curriculum we need a specialized development team but we must be aware that during the era of education reform, effective utilization of this new curriculum lies in the hands of regular teachers. By the actions that the educational system take, when it introduces this new curriculum, it can cause serious resistance to the changes. Resistance to educational change can be defined as students ' and teachers ' affective, cognitive and behavioral specific responses or acts of opposing or struggling with modifications because there is a vested interest in maintaining the status quo(Bemmels and Reshef, 1991; Van den Heuvel, 2009).
Teachers resist change when it is introduced to them poorly, when it affects how they do their work, and when they don 't see the need for the changes. Pardo del Val and Fuentes (2003) worked on reasons for resistance in employees. According to their findings,