Roles Of Men And Women In Medea By Euripides

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Even when ignoring the context of the time period, Medea by Euripides is clearly a patriarchal story. This fact is evident at several major points in the play, and the theme of the roles of men and women is consistent throughout. Firstly, nobody seems to question Jason, Medea’s husband’s abandonment of her, it is a completely acceptable act. Both him and her king, Creon, casually and brutally push her aside, while also admitting they are frightened of her cleverness, due to the fact she is a woman.
While Medea is set in a male-dominated society, there are still several inconstancies and gaps, which enrich the play and make it unconventional and uncomfortable for conservative audiences. The most obvious example is the fact that Medea kills her own children, a deeply unfeminine and unmotherly act, a complete rebellion on the society. A more subtle form of non-conformity is exemplified by Medea’s inconsistency when obliging to her husband and her king.
Euripides’ use of contradiction and non-conformity within the play reveal that it is a story of empowerment to women. He subtly and obviously tells this story throughout the play, specifically using Medea’s actions and her relationships with other characters as platforms to get his message across. While the reality of the time period remains, there are many contradictions, which clearly shine a light on Euripides’ opinion. It is important to note that Medea is not a feminist story, of a woman’s desire to be equal to men, but a

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