Roles Of Women Chapter 5 Analysis

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The men in chapter 5 made close relations, to provide for their families, and still stand their dominance in their household. The men in chapter 5 felt strongly about providing for their families, I feel as a man it’s important the we provide for our families. I feel when the women are head of house financially, it makes men feel less of a man. For the women, the men felt they should provide the basic household duties: cooking, cleaning, and maintain the children. When the men didn’t have jobs, they still felt it shouldn’t be the woman’s responsibility to make ends meet. Growing up I was raised the same way; women should never get their hands dirty that’s a man’s job. I’m not saying that women should be housewives, but they shouldn’t have to …show more content…

“No way, No How, they don’t do things around the house because it is the female’s job and it is his job to bring home the bacon” (Rubin,1994). I see this a lot with my older relatives, most of the men work 40+ hours and come home to sit on the couch with a beer, while the wife does most of the cooking, and all the laundry. Daycare for most people is a financial expense, that most people struggle with, especially when you’re a low-income family. Per 211 Child Care, “in the state of Connecticut the average cost of day care is $274.00/week” (211 Child Care, 2016). When you multiply that by 4 this equals to $1,096/week, which is $16,440/year. When you think about it, that price is a bachelor’s degree at a state college in Connecticut. Per “Families on the Fault Line” white men think differently about the roles of the wife, compared to Asian men (Rubin,1994). Even if Asian men don’t have jobs, they feel they shouldn’t have to help the wife. Black American men provide the most help around the house, because finding employment is easier amongst Black women (Rubin,1994). I found this to be quite interesting, especially when I was growing up. My father did a lot of household task such as cleaning, washing and sometimes cooking. When it comes to White men, they don’t have a problem helping around the house. I feel men shouldn’t expect the wife to do all the work, a relationship is about