Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Courage Essay

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The Brave and Courageous Mama Having courage is not easy, but having courage can help you throughout life. After the novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry by Mildred D. Taylor, I have noticed that many character have shown courage. The character I believe showed the most courage was Mama. I consider this because Mama showed many actions of courage such as risking her job to stand up for what was right, raising the kids without Papa, and when Mama had to stop the fire while protecting her children. Throughout the book, Mama shows her can-do attitude even things get rough. Mama may seem like a minor character, but when you dig deeper you can see her courageous attitude shines through. Equality is something that is very questionable during this book. Imagine going to shop at a store and getting fired because your color depends either is you shop there or not. That is what happened to Mama when she went to Vicksburg.Mama also stands up to Mr. Granger when he asked her to teach topics she did not have the books for. On page 184 Mama said, “ That’s because they’re not in there.” This is when Mama is explaining to Mr. Granger that she cannot teach what is in the books due to the fact that “‘Because all that’s in that book isn’t true.’” Mama stayed true to her convictions and …show more content…

On page 260 in chapter 12 it says,” Mama pushed us back into her room, where Big Ma fell upon her knees and prayed a powerful prayer.” On the next page,261, after they noticed the fire, Mama tried to protect the from it, “‘If it reaches those trees, it’ll burn everything from here to Strawberry,’ Mama said. She turned quickly and ran across the room to the side door. ‘Stay here,’ She ordered, opening the door and fleeing across the yard to the barn.” Mam sheltered the kids from going to the fire and getting hurt. This is just one of the times that she showed courage in the