Roller Skating Research Paper

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Roller skating has been a competitive sport for a long time and can date back all the way to the 1700’s when the first recorded pair of roller skates were used in London 1743, but the inventors name cannot recalled of. But the idea of skating caught back up in 1819 when M. Petitbled copyrighted the first roller skates in France. In New York 1863 a rubber piece was made and added to quad skates to allow skaters to curve as they moved. This rubber piece was such a great invention that soon after the first roller rink was opened in the city.
Helmet. A helmet is the most important piece of safety equipment when skating and should be used every time a person skates. A helmet can prevent many injuries and …show more content…

Roller Derby is a contact sport played by two teams of five skating in the same direction. A team scores by designating a jammer who scores by lapping players on the other team. It dates back all the way to 1935. It is not an Olympic sport because it’s not spectator friendly and there are rules being changed annually. Speed skating was introduced in the Olympics in 1924. It is a sport in which players race each other traveling a certain distance. Types of speed skating are long track speed skating, short track speed skating, and marathon speed skating. In the Olympics long-track speed skating is usually referred to as just "speed skating", while short-track speed skating is known as "short track".
Roller skating skills:
Forward skating. With your heels together and your toes pointed out, begin slowly walking forward, first the right, then to the left, then to the right, and so on. Continue squatting and keep your heels directly underneath your body so you can more easily keep your balance. Lengthen each stride you take by allowing yourself to roll for a while. Push off with one foot and glide with the other until you lose momentum, then switch your gliding foot. To perform a speed skate you use the same techniques by pushing harder which will allow you to glide faster.
Turning right and left while forward skating. When you turn right, lean your body slightly to the right. When you turn left,