
Romantic Relationships In Hamlet

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Actions create the foundations of just literary works. However, since nearly all events within literature involve interpersonal interactions and relationships, it can be hard to discern how to characterize an individual. Despite this difficulty, each person’s identity remains unique. Each character is defined by their identity, which is made of the combined influence of their various interpersonal relationships. Romantic and parental relationships have the greatest impact on an individual’s identity, though they impact identity in different ways; these types of relationships are similar in the way that they impact a character’s actions. The varying impacts of these relationships on both identity and action is exemplifies through Shakespeare’s …show more content…

Because the parental relationship is present from birth, individuals will “identify themselves with this relationship” (Klimstra). Hamlet’s relationship with his deceased father exemplifies the last impact parental relationships have on an individual’s identity. Even after King Hamlet has been dead for some time, Prince Hamlet still wears a “nighted colour” (Ham. I.ii.68) to mourn his death, “seem[ing]...so particular” (Ham. I.ii.75) as he works to reconcile with his new identity apart from King Hamlet. The loving nature of Hamlet’s relationship with his father is further demonstrated when Hamlet exclaims “The king my father!... For God’s love” (Ham. I.ii.179--94) when Horatio tells him that he as seen Ghost Hamlet. Individuals with more positive parental relationships--like that of King Hamlet and Prince Hamlet--are “more likely to explore their environments” (Thomas) than those with poor family dynamics. Favorable parental relationships would manifest in a more developed and extroverted characterization; contrastingly, poor family dynamics lead to more introverted identities. The latter is exemplified in Hamlet’s seclusion after his father’s death. Hamlet’s positive parental influence is replaced with scorn and apathy of Gertrude and Claudius, which would make him less like to participate in social activities. …show more content…

However, each character’s interpersonal relationships combine to form a unique identity; it is by this identity that individuals may be defined. Romantic and parental relationships are the largest influences in shaping this identity, though they do so in different ways. Despite these differences, the relationships that define characters influence their actions in a similar way--regardless of if the relationship is romantic or parental. The actions that these relationships influence shape the course of a work of literature. Interpersonal relationships pervade characters’ identities actions, and complete stories, making a comprehension of their impact crucial to understanding the literature as a

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