
Romeo And Juliet Decisions

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The tragic story, Romeo and Juliet was one of emotion, driven by irrational bad decisions showcased characters who held a higher regard for love than their own lives. The Friar, though, with his well-thought-out decision-making and his compassionate actions became a figure of advice for the young leads and a beacon of hope. In the drama Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, Friar Laurence is made out to be a selfless, rational, and sympathetic character when he marries Juliet to Romeo and when he comes up with the plan to allow Juliet and Romeo to be together. The first moment in which the Friar showcased his character traits was when Romeo reached out to him, seeking marriage to Juliet. At first, when Romeo came to the Friar, …show more content…

After Romeo reassures the Friar claiming that this situation is different, for Juliet loves him back, which was something Rosaline never did, the Friar eventually agrees to …show more content…

In a state of panic and suicidal thoughts, she rushed to Friar Laurence's cell in hopes of a solution. The Friar hearing her woes and seeing the dagger quickly gives a response to Juliet saying, ‘“Thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself, Then is it likely thou wilt undertake A thing like death to chide away this shame, That copest with death himself to scape from it; And, if thou darest, I’ll give thee remedy.”’ (Romeo and Juliet 4.1.72-76). He knew that Juliet must have been in a heavy state of grief and was able to quickly produce a solution to her problems, for her sake. He warns her of the risk factors to his plan and reassures her that he will make sure it goes the way he wants. He also sees that if he doesn't help her immediately, she will take her own life. Of course, Juliet agrees to the plan with which the Friar replies, ‘“Hold! Get you gone, be strong and prosperous In this resolve.”’ (Romeo and Juliet 4.1.122-123). He worries for her safety and resolve over everything else, even when putting his own life at risk in helping the young lovers. He can see her worry and will protect Juliet over himself and his

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