Romeo And Juliet Dialectical Journal Essay

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The body was easily movable as the fixed state of rigor mortis had disappeared. As they laid him out on the body bag, the Coroner examined the body for the missing bullet. The last bullet belonging to Two Six Romeo, he expected to find somewhere in the body.
“Get this guy over to the L.A. Morgue,” said the Coroner. “You guys with the wagon, tell them I want them to do him first. There is something strange here.”
“What’s that Doc,” asked Ted.
“There is no gunshot wound. Whatever he died from it wasn’t a bullet. There are a lot of medications here, but we will have to wait for the toxicology results to come back to show if that was a factor.”
The news of his death, possibly being something more natural, caused Pastor Jim, to breathe easier.
The …show more content…

Corinthians 10:13 Paraphrased)
Some translations use the word, able instead of the word handle. Is that consistent with the Bible? I would say to you that depends on what we understand by the two words “you” and “handle.”
What does “you” mean? Does “you” mean that Tank had to handle it all on his own? If not, then who does the “you” refer to? Does “you” refer to us his church family standing with him through it all? Did it mean that Tank could handle it only if he received it by grace through faith?
God knows what He himself gave to Tank by grace, enabling him to handle whatever came his way. I spent many days with Tank. I can tell you, to the best of his ability, he was dependent on the grace that came with his difficulties.
“Handle.” What does “handle” mean? Did “handle” mean he never collapsed under the pressure? Does it mean he never failed in a task? Did it imply that he never messed up? No, far from it!
In your own life, what does all this mean? Is it, saying that you never fail at anything? Does it mean you get “A” in every one of life’s tests? Or does “handle” mean you never have to recover because you slipped up? Can it mean we never have to repent despite the fact that repentance the Lord requires from us? You never have to seek reconciliation. If that were the case, then why does Paul exhort us to that very thing, …show more content…

The choice to walk through that door was his and his alone to make. I wonder what it looked like.
Before Tank left us, he shared with me about some beautiful colored lights that appeared in his home. At first, he thought he had gone crazy. They persisted every day and especially at night. When they were there, he told me, he didn’t think of the war. Those thoughts were then far from him.
All around him there had raged a spiritual battle. He came to understand the supernatural, more than most. He knew that demons were at war with God’s angels. Was angels, good and evil, manifesting in his home? Did he watch, one last battle, unfold before his eyes? We all know who wins in that battle.
Since that day I have wondered if some of them were God’s angels who attended him, cared for him, and strengthened him. Waiting for that hour when he came to an end and just gave up in total and complete surrender. The moment when he absolutely abandoned himself into the Lord’s care and keeping.
When Tank reached the end. When he was no longer able to bear it, the Lord had those angels take him home. He went off into everlasting glory, just like the Lord had promised

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