
Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays, it is a tragic love story set in the city of Verona, Italy. Romeo and Juliet is known for its poetic language, passionate love, and exploration of the human condition. The play explores themes of youthful love, fate, feuds, and the destructive power of violence. Romeo, a young montague falls deeply in love with Juliet, a young capulet. Their plans do not go as planned and they all eventually die. Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare the recurring theme of youthful love is developed through Romeo and Juliet’s three day relationship and their unnecessary and risky decisions.
To begin with, the first encounter between Romeo and Juliet reveals their immediate and intense …show more content…

For example, Romeo talks to the nurse to plan for his and Juliet’s marriage and says, “Bid her devise / Some means to come to shrift this afternoon. / And there she shall at Friar Lawrence’cell / Be shrived and married” (2.4.183-186). Romeo is planning to marry Juliet by talking to the nurse. Romeo is planning without thinking about the family feud or the violence between everyone. His plan is to make Juliet go to Friar Lawrence for “confession” and marry. Because of their youthful love, they decided to make decisions that are so dangerous. Therefore, their decision led to trouble and death. Another example, later the day they got married, Lord Capulet plans for Juliet to marry Paris but Juliet refuses. This example shows the trouble Juliet is in. She knows that she can not marry Paris because she is already married to Romeo. Also, because of Juliet's religion, she can’t marry Paris. In conclusion, the impulsive and risky decisions made by Romeo and Juliet in their marriage ultimately lead to tragic consequences, as a result of their youthful …show more content…

For example, the Friar makes a plan for Juliet and says, “Take thou this vial, being then in bed / And this distilling liquor drink thou off…….” (4.1.95-105). Because of Romeo and Juliet’s decisions and youthful love, the Friar makes a dangerous plan for Juliet. The friar tells Juliet to drink a potion that makes Juliet “dead”. Then her parents will find out that she is “dead” and put her in a tomb and Romeo comes and takes Juliet and goes to Mantua. Because of Juliet’s love for Romeo, she had to accept this dangerous and risky plan. Another example, at the end of the play Romeo goes to Juliet’s tomb to kill himself but he finds Paris there. Romeo and Paris start to fight each other and Romeo stabs Paris. After Romeo kills Paris, he drinks a poison and dies next to Juliet. Juliet then wakes up and finds that Romeo is dead and kills herself. This example shows the causes of Romeo and Juliet’s youthful love and risky decisions. Because of their three day relationship, everyone

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