Romeo And Juliet Free Will Essay

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The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a timeless tale of love and loss that has captivated audiences for centuries. The debate over whether their fate was predetermined by the stars or a result of their own free will is a topic that has divided scholars and fans alike. Romeo and Juliet was written in the late 16th century by a famous playwright and author by the name of William Shakespeare during an interesting and mystical period in time when fate and destiny were believed by almost everyone during that time. Many argue that Romeo and Juliet were destined to meet a tragic end from the moment they were born. The prologue of the play even foreshadows their untimely deaths, stating "A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.” (Prologue, pg.1) This notion of fate playing a role in their demise is reinforced throughout the play, as their actions seem to be guided by forces …show more content…

In my opinion, both fate and freewill played a role in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The star-crossed lovers were destined to meet and fall in love, as evidenced by the prologue of the play. However, it was the choices they made along the way that sealed their fate. Romeo and Juliet's love was a powerful force that defied the odds, but ultimately, it was their own actions that led to their deaths. Fate played a big role in the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet's love story. The feud between their families, the Montagues and Capulets, was a barrier that seemed impossible to overcome. Even though the prologue says “Their death-marked love.” (Pro, pg.1) fate intervened and brought Romeo and Juliet together. Despite knowing the risks, they fell deeply in love with each other. They were unable to resist the forces that drew them together. As the story continued, fate continued to weave a tragic life around the young