Romeo And Juliet Good And Evil Essay

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Prompt 2 In act 2 scene 3, Friar Lawrence talks about how everything is good and evil. He shows an example of this by talking about a flower. If a man smells the flower, he will feel good. If he drinks or licks the liquid inside of the stem, he will die. This shows that the flower can be good and evil, and Friar Lawrence claims that this is true for every living thing, depending on how it is used. I agree with this statement because there are many examples of it throughout the story. Tybalt wanted to kill Romeo in act one, which makes the audience think he is evil. The audience then realizes throughout the story and the rest of act one that he only hates the Montagues because of what they have done to his family. He has good intentions, …show more content…

They have heard so much about each other that they only think that the other is evil and terrible. They do not stop to think that the other has only heard this information from others who might have taken the opposite family's actions the wrong way. Even if they only seem bad, there is always a good side. Like how Romeo is nice to Benvolio and Friar Lawrence, and how Tybalt respects his family and only wants to protect Juliet because he only knows the Montagues evil side. Just as if Friar Lawrence only knew the flower was toxic, because then he would not collect the flower. These examples show that, like in my time, people only think what they want to think is real and do not want to believe that some things are true, and some are …show more content…

Instead of moving too quickly, they need to slow down and think about their decisions. There is honestly no choice that they could make to be together and make their families happy, so they must choose. I think they are imagining an impossible future and aren’t thinking about the reality of this situation. “We met, we woo'd and made exchange of vow, I'll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray, That thou consent to marry us to-day. Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here!” This is what Romeo siad to convince Friar Lawrence. He was begging him, which already shows how desperate he is. He is only in love with her because of her looks, and barely knows the woman he is “sure” that he wants to