Love: The Equation Of Love In Poetry

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Love! By just, instantaneously, uttering it, many thoughts come to the mind from happy, sad, unearthly feelings and emotions; as the proverb says: “It is love that makes the impossible possible”, and, in many philosophies of the world that only in love “1+1 may not necessarily be equal to two [and love makes your feelings and thoughts] … set… on fire” (Alsanea 2),mentioned in every land, culture, civilization…etc.; Also, this wonderful equation of love is expressed in Romeo and Juliet when Friar Lawrence stated, “ Till Holy church incorporate two in one” ( II. V. 37).What is more, many poets, males and females, say poetry on account of elaborating their inner feelings towards something or someone. Through all periods of time, each culture has its own love mixed with its people identity as well as blended with many special “flavors” and an intuition that stabilizes in their hearts; love is the language of soul, unlike distaste which is the language of devils as the Armenian adage states, “all men have three ears, one on the left of his head, one on the right and one in his heart”. More deeply, it- love- is fabulously …show more content…

On the other hand, Romeo and Juliet novel that generally is epitomizing for love and pulchritude between Romeo and Juliet as characters.These two playwrights did great and huge portraitures for expressing many incommensurable themes and intimations which are classified as preventive barriers and encumbrances that are obviating the happiness, by getting married, of their lovers. One of these hindrances is contraventions which is, importantly, a thematic element in these two novels, and ergo, Gamrah, Sadeem, Lamees, and Michelle- also called Mashael- as well as Romeo, and Julietfaced many familial, psychological, and physical contraventions that kept them away from, or even seeking for, their true