
Romeo And Juliet Philautia Quotes

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William Shakespeare said that “love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is wing’d cupid painted blind”(Shakespeare.1.1.234-235).The quote exhibits that love is blind and can sometimes be hasty and reckless. William Shakespeare’s drama The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, as well as other literary pieces by Ovid, show varieties of love such as eros and philautia and how those two could possibly lead to consequences such as tragedy. Eros is one of the most common types of love and is usually used to express desire or lust. It is demonstrated in the drama in Romeo and Juliet when Shakespeare writes “kill the envious moon”(Shakespeare 2.2.4). When Romeo says the quote, he means to kill the jealous Diana. This is seen since he …show more content…

With that being said, philautia can additionally be considered a type of love as well. Philautia is revealed in Romeo and Juliet, referred on Act 1 Scene 5, “It fits when such a villain is a guest. I’ll not endure him… Why, uncle, ’tis a shame.” (Shakespeare 1.5.74-81) Tybalt is complaining about Romeo’s presence in the party and chooses not to tolerate it. However when Capulet—the uncle of Tybalt— obliges Tybalt to tolerate Romeo, Tybalt responds by mentioning how they were being disrespected. Philautia is a bit subtle in the text, however it becomes more noticeable when it is realized that Tybalt throws a tantrum since he was unable to fight Romeo to defend his pride. Then later on he quickly remarks that his family was disrespected, when in actuality, it was mostly about himself that was apparently being disrespected by Romeo’s presence. Philautia is also adequately shown in “Echo and Narcissus” when “He stooped down to drink, and saw his own image in the water; he thought it was some beautiful water-spirit living in the fountain” (Echo and Narcissus 52-54). Narcissus originally intentioned to drink out of the water, but instead came across his reflection. Upon noticing the reflection, he believed it was the form of a beautiful water-spirit. The text is significant since it shows Narcissus falling in with a reflection in the water, which is merely an image of himself, thus …show more content…

Some of which includes tragedy. Eros in Romeo and Juliet has led to the couple’s ultimate demise when “Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight.…Oh, this same thought did but forerun my need, and this same needy man must sell it me” (Shakespeare 5.1.36-56). To clear things up, the young man is saying that he will lie with the “deceased” Juliet that night and mentions his plans to buy poison from a pharmacist to drink. While Romeo has not necessarily died in this particular scene, it shows him attempting and making suicidal decisions to lie with his love, Juliet. This relates to eros since his passion for Juliet has influenced his decisions of life which led to this tragedy, if it were for him not having any passionate feelings towards Juliet, then Romeo would not have met his early demise. Moreover, philautia in “Echo and Narcissus” has also resulted in a tragedy. This can be seen when Ovid writes “He could not tear himself away; he lost all thought of food or rest, while he hovered over the brink of the fountain gazing upon his own image...he cherished the flame that consumed him, so that by degrees he lost his colour, his vigour, and the beauty...He pined away and died”(Echo and Narcissus 52-83). To quickly sum up what has occurred, Narcissus was unable to tear himself away from staring at his reflection. It interfered with his thoughts of food and rest since he was so focused on his

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