Romeo And Juliet Responsibility Of Parents Essay

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Romeo and Juliet died tragically and unnecessarily. Many characters in the book bear responsibility for their deaths in part, including the Friar and even Romeo and Juliet themselves. However; their parents and in particular, Juliet's parents, bear the brunt of the blame for keeping the feud alive. The parents were a product of their upbringing and environment, and the times in which they lived. Yet, they had a choice to be different and settle their meaningless differences amicably. It is questionable whether the Capulets would have allowed Juliet to marry Romeo even without the feud. Nevertheless, it is definitely the feud of the families that sered as the principal cause of the tragedy. Ultimately, the rivalry was the reason that Romeo and Juliet had to …show more content…

This is shown when they have the following conversation: CAPULET: "Oh, brother Montague, give me your hand. This is my daughter’s dowry. I can ask you for nothing more." MONTAGUE: "But I can give you more. I’ll raise her statue in pure gold. As long as this city is called Verona, there will be no figure praised more than that of true and faithful Juliet." CAPULET" The statue I will make of Romeo to lie beside his Juliet will be just as rich. They were poor sacrifices of our rivalry!" Certainly, if Friar had not given bad advice, they might have lived. Yet, still they would not be happy because of the feud. Romeo and Juliet could have chosen to accept their lot in life and obeyed their parents. Neither one had to be so dramatic upon the other's death. Yet, they were perhaps too young to make good decisions without proper role models. It comes down to, in the end, that if their parents had done the right thing and settled their differences earlier, all of the chaos and tragedy could have been averted. Thus the blame falls squarely where it should, on adults who chose to behave like