Romeo And Juliet True Love Analysis

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Romeo and Juliet”: True Love
Romeo and Juliet is known as one of the most romantic love stories in literary history, furthuring this point is the true love and sincerity between Romeo and Juliet which is justified by religious imagery and language, the overall theme of fate, along with solemn tone regarding love found in the text.
Throughout the play, Shakespeare consistently makes use of religious imagery and language. It is used to display how their love is “holy” and “pure”, and does not allow for it to be dismissed. The first conversation between Romeo and Juliet consisted of a shared sonnet, which was laced with heavy use of religious vocabulary. In the text, Romeo metaphorically considered himself to be a pilgrim approaching Juliet’s hand, a holy shrine, which he was unworthy of. He uses both physical and religious …show more content…

He describes his lips as “blushing pilgrims” to assure Juliet that his intentions are pure. He wants to get personal, but he still remains spiritual as well. The sonnet includes vocabulary regarding body parts such as the hands, lips, and palms, as well as religious vocabulary such as shrines, saints, and pilgrims. They were fulfilling their physical desires while simultaneously addressing their religious concerns. The conversation is made up of several Christian metaphors, and has very strong