Ronald Reagan Accomplishments

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“I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph, and there’s purpose and worth to each and every life”. This quote was from President Ronald Wilson Reagan. Ronald Reagan’s leadership, determination, and love for America paved the way for future generations. The 444 day Iranian hostage crisis ended one day before Reagan entered office. President Reagan ended the Cold War and, signed the bill to make Martin Luther King Day a national holiday. Ronald Reagan achieved a lot of major awards and accomplishments in his life, but his main goal as the president of the United States of America was to make the American people believe in themselves again. (“Biography”) Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois, …show more content…

President Reagan introduced many conservative policies and tax cuts to stimulate the United States’ economy (AKA Reaganomics). He also increased military spending, reductions in certain social programs and measures to deregulate business. In 1981, President Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Connor as the first woman in the Supreme Court. One of Reagan’s major responsibilities and concerns was the Cold War. Reagan believed that the spread of communism anywhere threatened freedom everywhere. He implemented the Reagan Doctrine, under which America provided aid to anticommunist movements in other countries. In 1983, Reagan introduced the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). It was nicknamed “Star Wars” by the media and it was a plan to produce space-based weapons to protect America from attacks by Soviet nuclear missiles. SDI was one of Reagan’s most criticized ideas because at the time America had nowhere near the amount of money needed to construct the idea, but many historians believe that Reagan didn’t have any intentions of actually building the weapons, but he was instead using it to scare the Soviets. …show more content…

He ended the Cold War, demanded the Berlin Wall to be destroyed, and created 30 million new jobs for Americans. In this project I learned a lot about Ronald Reagan’s interesting life and how he changed American history. I learned that Ronald Reagan was an actor from Illinois that was originally a Democrat. I also learned that he made Martin Luther King Day a national holiday which I would have never knew if I didn’t complete this research paper. In my opinion Ronald Reagan was an excellent President that brought prosperity and restoration to a country by completing his goal of peace through strength. Now that you know some things about President Ronald Reagan’s history, you should watch videos of his speeches to truly know his