
Ronald Reagan Biography Essay

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Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 to mother, Nelle Wilson Reagan and father, Jack Reagan. He grew up in Tampico, Illinois where he was born. He attended Dixon High School and later went to Eureka College where he majored in Economics and Sociology. After graduating from college in 1932, Reagan became a sports announcer on many different radio shows. Just 5 years later, he moved to Hollywood and starred in movies such as, “Love Is on the Air” and “Kings Row”. He later was elected twice to be the president of the Screen Actors Guild where he helped to root out communist influence. In the 1950’s, Reagan became a motivational speaker for General Electric factories and also married his wife Nancy Reagan in 1952. In 1966, Ronald was elected …show more content…

Both the one in 1968 and in 1976, he lost. But in 1980, Reagan beat Jimmy Carter and became the 40th President of the United States in the Republican political party. His Vice President was George H. W. Bush and his cabinet members were Alexander Haig, Donald Regan, Caspar Weinberger, William F. Smith, James G. Watt, John Rusling Block, Howard Baldrige, Raymond Donovan, and Drew Lewis. Some key issues that Reagan tackled were; Students being able to choose whether they pray or not in school, Reaganomics, Ending the ‘Cold War’, and Mass surveillance. In 1984, Reagan decided to run for a second term and won 49 of 50 states with the most popular vote. In 1986, President Reagan signed a bill on the ‘War on Drugs’ which basically gave people with drug offenses the most minimum amount of time they could serve. Although Reagan claimed to have been against drug use and done many things to provide awareness, but many believe he did that for his image and basically let drug lords in and out of the country for the money. In 1986, the President signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act that would make it illegal for anyone to knowingly hire an illegal immigrant. This did not affect the country at

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