Compare And Contrast Reagan And Ford

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During his presidency, Reagan gave a famous speech about the Berlin wall, his famous line was, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”(Top 10 Greatest Speeches). Only being in office for a couple of months, Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr. When the bullet hit him, it made his lungs collapse. John’s reason for shooting him was to get the attention of the actress, Jodie Foster. He was not found guilty by reason of insanity (Kelly). Reagan recovered and was able to finish his term. One of Reagan’s successes was the ending of the Cold War. He made sure that we were against the action of the Soviet Union. He also helped with tax reform. He cut tax rates, and made the tax code more comprehensible (Human Events). This is just a small list of Reagan …show more content…

The 38th President, Gerald Ford was one president that had to go through ups and downs. Reagan and Ford had many differences and similarities. One difference is that Ford only lasted in office for two years, and Reagan was in office for eight years. Topics that Reagan and Ford disagreed on are same-sex marriage, legally require hiring women and minorities, and citizenship for illegal aliens. Even though they disagreed on certain topics, they did have similarities in beliefs. They agreed that abortion is a woman’s unrestricted right, that God should be in the public sphere, and that EPA regulations are too restrictive (Rate Limited). No two president are similar. This is also true for the 39th president, Jimmy …show more content…

The 41st President was actually Reagan’s Vice President, George H. W. Bush. Surprisingly, they had more differences than similarities. One thing they agreed on was that God should stay in the public view. Things they disagreed on was same-sex marriage and higher taxes on wealth (Rate Limited). For the benefit of the country, their different point of views, likely benefited seeing two perspectives. Lastly, Reagan and Bill Clinton, the 42nd President have things they agree and disagree on. One of the main differences about them is that Reagan was on the Republican Party, Bill Clinton was on the Democratic Party. Unlike the past presidents, they both finished two terms. They agreed on marijuana being a gateway drug and stricter punishment to reduce crime. Things they disagreed on are abortion being a woman’s unrestricted right and same- sex marriage (Rate Limited). Not all presidents are the same, but it helps with trail and error to figure out what is right for the United