Ronald Reagan Father

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Although relatively poor family . Ronald Reagan 40th president of the united states also he use to be a radio announcer for WOC radio station in Davenport iowa and then he moved to WHO in des moines . In ronald reagan 's early childhood because of his father 's work they moved through several small towns in illinois from chicago to galesburg then to mammouth and then finally settling in dixon illinois . reagan liked solitude his mother was a very influential figure in his early life even though his father was an alcoholic . during high school he was a good athlete and he was student president after graduating high school in 1928 . he …show more content…

while covering the cubs spring training in california reagan got an acting job in hollywood . he starred in many films his most famous film was when he played as a notre dame football star . He also played in the film the kings row . while in hollywood he married jane wyman also a actress they divorced in 1948 and then he married nancy davis in 1955 . Then in 1965 reagan decided to run for governor of california as a republican he won with fifty eight percent of the vote . during his first term as governor he tried to increase education and increase state income taxes . He was elected for a second term in 1970 . In 1968 reagan decided to run for president as a republican and he won the republican nomination but did not win the election . He decides to run for president again in 1979 and won the election . Reagan did many important things while in office he increased defence spending and decreased taxes . also he increased national security . another important thing Ronald reagan done while in office was he appointed the first female supreme court justice sandra day o 'connor . was also very popular among the media he was given the nickname the great communicator . during his first term in office john hinckley attempted