Is it truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? All of those questions from the Rotary Four-Way Test is used in life with or without me knowing. Whether it is at my house with my family, at school, or with my friends I use the Four-Way Test. It has an influence to what I say, think, or do. It helps me make the right decisions and go down the right path in life. Everyday of my life I have to use the first question of the Four-Way Test, is it truth? When I tell my friends a secret or something else I have to make sure it is the truth. I also have to make sure I am telling truth when I talk to my family when I tell them information about what I am doing, where I am going, or who I am hanging out with. The first question is also used during school for me because I have to tell the truth when I am telling a teacher what I was doing in the hallway without a pass or just blatantly telling the truth about why I did not do my homework. Making sure I tell the truth influences what I say to everyone, what I think, and what I do. Telling the truth builds up trust which is needed in a good relationship between people. Will it build good will and better friendships? Building goodwill and friendships is not only based on telling the truth, …show more content…
I need to make sure what I say, do, or think benefits everyone around me. If I am talking to a friend and they ask me their opinion about something I need to make sure it is truly beneficial to them whether it is constructive criticism or not. When I do something that will affect my family I also have to make sure that is benefits the rest of my family in a good way and not just me. At school, when I am working on a group project I need to make sure what I say or do benefits the group as a whole and gets us a higher