To What Extent Does The Four-Way Test Still Relevant Today

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The Rotary Four-Way Test questions, developed by Herbert Taylor, a Chicago Rotarian in 1932, are a set of four questions that encourage Rotarians to apply goodwill to the world they interact with. The four questions read as follows, ordered one through four. Firstly, Is it the truth? Secondly, Is it fair to all concerned? Thirdly, Will it build goodwill and better friendships? And finally, Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

The Four-Way Test has been a cornerstone of Rotary's philosophy for more than a century, and it remains as relevant today as it was when it was first introduced. In fact, I would go as far as to say that The Four-Way Test has never been more relevant than it is right now. In this essay, we will explore what makes the Rotary Four-Way Test relevant in today’s world and how it manages to do so.

First and foremost, the Four-Way Test is still relevant today because it emphasizes and enforces the importance of truth and honesty. In a world where fake news and false facts have become commonplace, it is more important than ever to have a set of principles …show more content…

In a world that is often divided by politics, religion, war, and other differences, it is paramount to have a set of principles that emphasizes the importance of building bridges and fostering relationships. The third question of the Four-Way Test, "Will it build goodwill and better friendships?" reminds Rotarians that they should strive to be peacemakers and bridge builders with their works. I can recall a memory of me hurriedly preparing for class as I walk by the TV in my house, the morning news informing the world of a skirmish between two countries' political boundary, and of a war that teeters on a knife edge. Thinking now, I can only wonder what could have changed leading up to this point, if we all made an effort to have each other's goodwill in