Russell Athletics Vs Nike

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1. Russell Athletics and Nike were very similar in the way that people discovered and way they reacted. Both companies were exposed by an activist or an activist organization. But the most important common factor is the public out lash that was a result of the exposing of the companies. Both protests involved strategic public protesting and confrontation of the company to increase its standards. After loss of profit, the companies changed their ways and readjusted their contracts to better fit the demands of the protestors. Both of these cases show that the public are interested and concerned in the way that the products that they use are made. People do not want to give money to a company that uses sweatshop labor. 2. After reading these articles and reviewing the TED talk, the reason, I believe, emerging countries prefer socialism because with the government in charge they are less likely to get taken advantage of. It is true the government might not pay well, but in the socialist model the worker would be provided for unlike in the capitalist model. Countries prefer socialism because they can start off themselves, and once they have a footing they can open the door to foreign investment without being taken advantage of. 3. A group of students dedicated to bettering themselves by education and forming a community. a. Teamwork b. Emphasis on learning c. Acceptance 4. …show more content…

Culture creation in this class is related to a countries culture because many of our shared common values are values that are shared globally. All cultures strive to work as a team towards a common goal. Many times the goal is acceptance, not just of people within the country, but as a whole in relation to other countries. In addition, learning is also a key to culture because culture is passed on my people. Learning helps create culture, and learning also continues the education of other in the countries culture so it is passed on. Culture is the key ingredient in a countries make