
Russian Revolution Without Lenin Extract Analysis

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Extract one which was adapted from Leon Trotsky in 1977, in the extract they talk about how important Lenin was for the Russian Revolution “Without Lenin the crisis would have assumed an extraordinarily sharp and protracted character” meaning that without lenin the crisis would be long lasting one. Later in the extract another quote links with this “The role of personality arises before us here on a truly gigantic scale” showing that this extracts interpretation is that Lenin was the mastermind and the planner of the October revolution so basically saying that the october revolution started on the 3rd of April 1917 when Lenin arrived in petrograd. When talking about the last quotes I talked about how it meant lenin made the revolution happen extract two has a similar interpretation of what happened and how the Russian Revolution occured in the extract they use …show more content…

In extract four written by R.C Williams in the “The bolshevik” in 1999 Williams talks about when looking back it is clear that the bolshevik party and more importantly Bolshevism was “supported from below”( E.G. workers and peasants) because of this it showed bolshevism to be in the deep structure of Russian culture then once thought. The main reason why the bolshevik party and in part lenin got

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