Ruth Miller Research Paper

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Background information:
Ruth Miller is a twenty- five year old girl who grew up in a small Amish community near Richmond, VA. She started Rumspringa at age sixteen just like every other normal Amish teenage. Her whole family has lived in the Amish community their whole life and has never left. But when she turned nineteen, she decided she wanted to leave the Amish community. After experiencing the different things and experiences for three years. But I will be looking into her life now and comparing it to her old life.
Interviewer: Do you ever miss your family and friends back at your old community?
Ruth: The hardest thing I had to do was to leave my parents, siblings, and friends. I wish I would have cherished the time with them. Although …show more content…

It's what I wanted to experience without breaking the church's rules. I loved it there and I will always love it there, but it was time to turn the next page and begin something new. I am very thankful for being given the opportunities I have been given there. Here in Richmond, it’s like coming up from underwater and breathing in fresh, new, and exciting air. With every new day comes a new experience and different opportunities are behind every curb. That is something I could have never gotten from my old home, but the sense of safety and lovingness is something I struggle with …show more content…

But if you were like me you are confused about your choices. My advice is to go through Rumspringa as long as you need and if you realize you aren’t satisfied with your life as it then you should leave. Once you make your decision, you are going to tread telling your parents, but you're going to get through it. Even if your parents yell and get super mad don’t let that influence you. Don’t let your guilt of leaving your friends and family behind because there are ways to keep in touch. Also when you leave, you will be very nervous but remember to stay open minded because it's different from what you are used