Consensus In Knowledge Analysis

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“We know what we are but not what we may be” is what William Shakespeare wrote for the character Ophelia to say when referring to the uncertainty of consensus in a knowledge claim. With such an inspirational quote, as an inquirer it could be interesting to analyze in what ways “Robust knowledge requires both consensus and disagreement”. Just like all knowledge claims they can be looked upon from an infinite number of perspectives, thus creating an undefined number of possibilities, nevertheless, to prove the validity of this assertion, it requires to be discussed with reference to two Areas Of Knowledge. The word “robust” according to the Cambridge English Dictionary is essentially the “strong and unlike to break” nature of something. Consequently, …show more content…

Moreover, this concept constitutes the base for defining the four stages in the knowledge creation process: socialization; the process that transfers tacit knowledge from one person to tacit knowledge in another person, externalization; the process for making tacit knowledge explicit among individuals within a group, combination; the knowledge transfer once knowledge is explicit, finally, internalization; the process of understanding and absorbing explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge held by the individual (Googlecom, 2018). So, for the sake of this investigation, it shall focus on whether in the initial stage: socialization, both consensus and disagreements are required for robust …show more content…

As seen in Ryan T. Anderson’s novel: When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment (Anderson, 2018, p. xx), Anderson is seen to be socializing America’s view on the “transgender moment” (Ryan T. Anderson), trying to propagate the allowance of people to have the freewill of deciding who they are and not to discriminatorily treat people as the gender they claim to be. While, on the other hand he mostly sheds light on the consequences of one’s actions when transitioning, such as: suicide in malcontent with the life changing alteration they took. This example which can be considered as an Area Of Knowledge of the arts, is more so the natural sciences because, Anderson deals with the physiological aspects behind the “transitioners”. Granted, the work being used is a novel, which could be considered as an art, it is the content being socialized which allows the piece to be considered as in the area of knowledge of the “natural