Sacarphogins Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered about Egypt's art and why they make it. Egypt’s art is very interesting. It has many cool features to look at. One of the coolest features to look at is sacarphogins. The background story is cool to look at, the reasons why they do sacarphogins. The materials they use is fascinating. The events of the sacarphongins are interesting to look at, the tell you why they make the art that they make. Do you know you who makes scarphogins? Let’s find out. The background story of the sarcophagus is cool to look at. First of all they put mummies in sacarphogins because, they thought that the mummies would have everlasting life. Everlasting life back then was very important, they believed that only the “lucky” ones would have an everlasting life as in live forever, even after death. Another thing they thought if they put mummies in a sarcophagus is, …show more content…

I’m talking about the Ancient Egyptians. They are the ones who built the sarcophagus, and the ones who put the mummies inside. Not just anyone built the sarcophagus and put the mummy’s inside. The top class as in the most rich did not do anything. The king that ruled Egypt was the one who was the lucky mummy. The only rich class was the king, and their descendants. Like I said the rich class did not do anything, now who did? The middle class were they ones who would put the mummy in and would cover it, they were the one who did the whole process of mummification. It’s a process where they cover the mummy to make the body last. Now for the poor class they were in charge of building the scarphogins. They were usually in charge of carving it too. Since the were the poor class they would always get the hardest jobs. Nowadays we use a similar version of a scarphogin, it’s called a coffin. We use it for the same thing, but our goal is not to preserve the body and for it to get and everlasting life, we use it for our past loved ones to get