Safe Abortion Persuasive Essay

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In a world where women do not feel safe walking the streets at night alone, men are viewed as the superior, stronger gender. Everyone wants to be acknowledged for their capabilities, not just their looks. But women are always seen as the inferior gender when it comes to countless things, like carrying boxes or becoming president. They are only really acknowledged if they fit the beauty standard. Growing up girls are told that they cannot be a doctor or an electrician, they have to be a nurse or a teacher, because that’s what girls do. There was a time when women could not sue for sexual harassment, they could be fired from their jobs for being pregnant and they could not vote. Although there has been progress towards equality, women still get …show more content…

Unfortunately, women too often are not allowed to make decisions like this on their own. Countries like Brazil, Colombia, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico and countless others have made it illegal for women to receive a safe abortion under any circumstances, or in some cases they are only permitted if it will save the mother's life. Being put in a situation like this has forced many women to travel to other countries or recieve unsafe and unsterile abortions, which can lead to major infections and depending on the severity, sometimes death. These problems could be solved if women were simply treated equally, and were allowed to make decisions to govern their own bodies instead of having decisions made for them. Reproductive rights are the basic right of all couples and individuals to freely and responsibly decide the number, spacing, and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. Abortion right movements advocate for legal access to induced abortions services. Meaning reproductive rights are abortions rights. They are both the right to make decisions about your own body. Reproductive rights and abortions rights should be included together, so why are abortions frowned upon so

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