Safe And Supportive Learning Environment Essay

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A safe and supportive learning environment incorporates various elements. As a teacher, it is a responsibility to meet the majority of these areas, if not all. To begin with, it is important to make sure that all participants are safe and comfortable i.e;
• explain what should be done in the event of a fire drill,
• times of comfort breaks,
• location of smoking areas, if available,
learning support
• ground rules,
Ground rules should ideally include suggestions by the learners themselves. By making this part of a session interactive it is more likely that the learners will listen and understand what is expected of them. The ground rules should include behaviour, including the use of inappropriate language, and that respect amongst each other and to you as a teacher is a priority. When the learners arrive at the learning environment they should expect to be safe. A safe and stress-free environment would not be possible without setting some ground rules as mentioned earlier.
Examples of ground rules;
• No swearing
• No bullying
• Punctuality
• A clear guideline of health and safety rules i.e. no running, safe use of equipment,
• Procedures when the fire alarm is sounded.
• No eating in the lesson.
• Mobile phones to be in silent mode.
• Work …show more content…

Without this people are going to struggle with focussing on the tasks at hand and may not achieve much at all. There are already many challenges within the learning environment including varying skills and abilities of the learners but when a disruptive group of learners is present it is not going to be a successful learning experience. Whenever I have been presenting to a group of learners I make sure that I was prepared with the resources and materials required and arrive punctually, hopefully before the learners arrive. By doing this I could then be in a position where I was able to state my