Said Coretta Scott King's Loss Of Freedom

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I believe that freedom is won, not once, but multiple times. Freedom should be won many times. You could also lose freedom, by doing bad things. Freedom should be fought for, not just given back once you do something that you should not have done. Just like you fight for trust after you break a promise, you must fight for freedom to be given back to you. You should prove that you deserve the freedom. You can lose freedom by doing something illegal. You can earn freedom by age, just like freedom has been won over time in history and the world. Driving is a good example. You must gain the freedom to drive once you are of age, which is sixteen. You could earn a later curfew by proving that you can be out later. "Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation." Said Coretta Scott King, a civil rights activist. I completely agree with her statement. …show more content…

When you do illegal things, you go to jail, where you have no freedom. You have no freedom there, because you proved that you do not deserve freedom, and you can not play by the rules that come along with