When I Came To America

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The first time I ever experienced freedom was when I came to America. Sometimes freedom ain 't really for all, you still have to follow all rules, and obey your parents. The word *Freedom* means to me is that you may have the right to do what you think is right, and you don’t really have to be one of those people out there that have no right. Even if you don’t have any right you can always dream, and experienced from the people around you, and your friends. When people always tell me what’s right, or wrong, that annoys me. Sometimes when people say that they’re not always right. They might just say that because they heard it from someone else. Rumors spread quickly. Everyone can dream, and sometimes his/her dream about Freedom will come true. …show more content…

The things that I do here, I couldn’t do it there. I run around and bike around with my siblings a lot in the summer. I sometimes go and walk around the neighborhoods a lot, but in China younger people couldn’t do that because the rule is that if kids walk out of the gate officials might think that the kids are trying to run away. I know that they’re just trying to keep children safe, but other then that, we have to stay inside the gate. It’s like being treated like dogs. The relationship of siblings in China is not the same thing as America. In China, we didn’t call each other sister or brother; we just called each other by our names. We only have each other, and that’s what we called a “friend”. In America I have siblings to love, and sometimes cry with. I love my new freedom so much that I wish other kids could have it too. Yelling outside sometimes is ok for us kids, when I yell, and scream when I play I feel free, and being able to be a kid that I should be. But not always though I know that for sure, because I’m getting to the age that I should show some kids that even if we are old we can still yell, and be free. I don’t exactly feel fear in my life, I might feel scared but not scared. I don’t feel lonely unless I count it as if I’m by myself, but I’m not by myself I have my siblings with