Same Kind Of Different As Me Analysis

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In chapter 1-13 of Same Kind of Different As Me, by Ron Hall and Denver Moore deal with the lives of two very different people growing up in two very different places. Ron deals with growing up on a plantation owned by his grandfather, which does not sound bad, but dealing with the uncertainties he feels toward the workers of his grandfather. Ron did not understand why his grandfather would buy his colored workers food and make them eat behind a building, but the white workers would come back to the house and have a home cooked feast prepared by Ron’s grandmother. Ron went to college and then quit to join the army, while in the army his high school sweetheart, Deborah, would send him letters. After two years in the service he quit the army …show more content…

While on a business trip in Beverly Hills, Ron cheated on Deborah after a while, Ron finally told Deborah. Deborah was enraged by the cheating, but called the pastor. They worked it out and Deborah texted the mistress and told her she would not being hearing from Ron again. Deborah asked Ron to go to therapy and he agreed. They have worked it out. Deborah and Ron began to work at Union Gospel Mission to feed the hungry. Deborah also had dreams about Denver saving the town. When Denver first came into the Union, he threw a tantrum. Deborah refused to give up on him and tried to get to know him. Ron later reached out to Denver to be his friend. Denver took time to think and he ponder why Ron would want to be your friend. Denver said that people would be happier the less possessions they own. Deborah tried to get Denver to go to a church camp, but Denver would not go. Later Deborah just dragged Denver on the christian retreat. While Deborah and Denver were on a retreat Ron was a mission to sell Canadian real estate. During the retreat Denver refused to go to the bathroom and was hospitalized after the