Sandwich Argumentative Essay

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Homelessness is an issue that has never been resolved in the United States. The number of homeless people has doubled in the last couple of years. These people struggle to get access to food due to their financial and living conditions. Restaurants and grocery stores have a large amount of food left uneaten each day. I believe they should give that food to those in need. Others do not agree with me. Using the pillow method, the five positions give insight to the different perspectives that should be taken into consideration when contemplating this argument. I’m right, you’re wrong. This is the first position on the pillow. In this case, my belief that restaurants and companies should give their excess food to the homeless is correct. A study by the Natural Resources Defense Council done in 2012 states that Americans waste approximately $165 billion worth of food annually (Myers, 2014). Instead of wasting 133 billion pounds of food every year, this food should go to those that cannot afford to pay for their own meals (Jacobs, 2014). Food is a resource we all need to survive and the extras that have not been sold should be given to feed the millions of people that go for days without a single meal. …show more content…

This is the second position on the pillow and it highlights the flaws in my argument. People worry about getting other people sick. Many people are allergic to different food, and to mistakenly forget to mention what is in the food to someone in need can result in them getting sick. Also, they are not aware of how long the person plans to save the food, which means it might be expired by the time they choose to eat it. While they will not get sued due to the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act passed in 1996, they still worry that their kind actions will unconsciously hurt others (Jacobs,

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