
Sarah's Case: Treatment Plan And Intervention For Sarah

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Treatment Plan & Intervention for Sarah. This treatment plan outlines a comprehensive approach to address the multifaceted needs of Sarah, a 32-year-old Mexican immigrant grappling with depression, anxiety, and the lingering effects of childhood trauma. Over the course of nearly seven months of therapy, Sarah has engaged in various therapeutic interventions aimed at fostering healing, resilience, and empowerment. This plan integrates mindfulness, the development of a coherent narrative, exploration of the felt sense, and cultural validation and empowerment. While some elements have already been implemented and are showing progress, others are ongoing, reflecting Sarah's ongoing journey towards well-being and personal growth. Sarah’s Case: Symptom Overview: Identifying Targets for Treatment Sarah, a 32-year-old Mexican immigrant, has been diagnosed with depression and generalized anxiety disorder, exacerbated by social isolation, unemployment, and financial strain due to the pandemic. Her struggles with poor self-esteem and heightened anxiety stem from childhood trauma, …show more content…

We explored alternative narratives emphasizing her strengths, accomplishments, and agency in navigating adversity. I validated the challenges immigrants face, including acculturation stress, discrimination, and trauma. While Sarah initially sought integration into Canadian society, I also connected her with Mexican community resources, respecting her autonomy in decision-making. Recognizing her commitment to English proficiency, I supported her enrollment in a language course, emphasizing the value of her unique accent and expression as integral to her cultural identity, reassuring her that pronunciation differences are

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