Sarcasm By Get Scared: An Analysis

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In Sarcasm by Get Scared they say, “It is from this world of darkness which comes evil the destructive forces of man’s nature.” This quote represents the careless and destructive forces of teenagers and their impact on today’s society. Teenagers are faced with decisions everyday, but most choose the wrong path. Most teenagers are careless and do not consider consequences because disrespect, peer pressure, and not taking advantage of educational opportunities. First and foremost, teenagers are very disrespectful. In other words, they are rude, talk back, and could care less about their elders. For example, some teenagers talk badly about their birth givers. Hania, a fifteen year old, talked badly about her dying father. She complained that he is the reason she came to the city and that she did like it or him, but she also said she came for a boy. When she had not even came to the school, she texted people “trying to make friends” but instead she started drama and turned people against each other. Although she tried to be disrespectful to her future classmates, she did not succeed. Sadly, she did succeed at calling her dying father an old …show more content…

A better explanation is that with the wrong influence, you’ll make the wrong decision. When making a decision, consequences need to be considered and most times, due to peer pressure, consequences are overlooked. To prove the point, ReedAnne had a friend spend the night, the friend she barely knew and didn’t think much about if something bad would happen that night. It turns out that ReedAnne’s friend talked her into sneaking out, which she would’ve never done without the peer pressure. Once the two were out and about, far from ReedAnne’s home, someone became suspicious and checked on them to find no one. The two were found and ReedAnne’s “friend” threw her under the bus saying it was her idea, when it wasn’t. ReedAnne’s punishment was no