
Sariel's Half-Blood: A Narrative Fiction

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It did indeed seem odd that so many half-bloods would try and assault them, most of the time they were in awe of their full-blooded kin. In fact, Sariel had a feeling many of them believed the tales of half-breeds being raised up to full-blooded status. Of course, it was physically impossible but who was she to ruin their dreams? Of course the answer as to why arrived in the form of a small electronic device on the floor beside an overturned table. She watched with wide eyes as what had transpired earlier that day was replayed before her eyes. That explained why they fought so desperately. Guilt softened her fierce expression and her burning eyes drifted over to the broken bodies of her half-blood kin. This fight had been unnecessary and now …show more content…

They must’ve assumed we were exterminators.” occasionally, when the half-blooded population grew too large, Angels and demons sent exterminators down to earth to cull the population. To her knowledge, the last culling occurred during what the humans called World War 2. Large scale wars and epidemics were the best time to send them down as they could hide the bodies of their targets amongst the dead and dying without drawing any attention to themselves. She set down the tablet and sighed softly as she gazed around the destroyed library. “There is now way we’re going to be able to take the book from this half-blood peacefully now.” A small part of her had hoped that perhaps this one would be as willing to cooperate as the last one had been. There was no point in dwelling on it at the moment they needed to try and track down their target before they ran off with the object they needed to stop the unseen force from coming to earth. “We should continue, I will take care of the bodies once we acquire the book.” She jerked her hand sharply and another ward fell over the building. That was to keep humans from noticed what had occurred within. There was no need to get the human authorities involved in something that was not their business. Her sword vanished but she did not put her human disguise back on, not at the moment. There was no point as he already knew what they were and probably knew what they were

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