Satire Essay About Women

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Women. We are wives, mothers, cooks, seamstresses, nurses, lovers, therapists, and a hundred other titles; all just within the confines of our homes. We are the glue that holds the domestic sphere together; we are counted on and relied on to be properly fulfilling the every need of our families. From the time we are married onwards, we are considered to be almost like property to our husbands. We are bound to serve and protect them; and yet we have no voice. Why should the opinions of men influence the lives and freedoms of women? We are just as capable as men. We balance more on our plates in one day of raising a family than our husbands do all day at work. It is very frustrating to hear why men think we should not be allowed the right to …show more content…

We are building this country from the ground up; it is us who will set the tone for the foundation of this new America. Our actions, in this issue and many others, are what future generations will look to for guidance. For the model of how America should function. After all we've been throuhg as a nation, I believe that we should finally begin to realize that oppression of any one group by any other group is wrong. This country is changing. Only a hundred years ago, we were a completely rural agricultural society. We had made our lives here to escape the tyranny of the British rule. Now, we are a rising world power with territories and colonies outside fo the continental mass. Our cities are industrial, our trade is booming, and we are rising. I don't want this blossoming nation to make the same mistakes Britain made; oppression is not the answer. Having said all of this, it baffles me that not all women support the fight for suffrage. There are women I have come into contact with that tell me they truly prefer to remain at home exclusively, and that political influence is the place for men only. But just how long is it going to take before women realize that it is our world too? Just becuase the men are in charge doesn't mean we shouldn't get any say in decisions that affect our lives. Not just our lives, the lives of our family and the future of this country that we call