Satire In Happy Earth Day

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Happy Earth Day
The use of graphic satire to create illustrations that communicate a certain message to its audience has been part of the America culture since the newspaper inception. Political illustrations use humor or satire to depict social issues that the artist believes his audience needs to pay attention to but without understanding the hidden symbolism behind the work then the message loses meaning. The earth is the only home to over a billion human beings and other living creatures and on April 22nd the world celebrates Earth Day. It started back in the seventies when the state of the environment became a major concern for the public and after the Santa Barbara oil spill in 1969 Gaylord Nelson and others managed to rally the American people in support for the deteriorating environment. Today this movement continues fighting issues like global …show more content…

At this point, Luckovich asks the audience to look at the real issue because the sun on its own cannot cause such devastation. For this to happen, the audience goes back to the text to analyze the deeper meaning. Happy Earth Day says one bear to the other and everything falls into place. Now the audience has a clue to what is happening and it all points to global warming which is an issue that is affecting their planet. They realize that the situation has become very dire if it is melting the ice in the coldest regions of the earth. In addition, the situation implies that the bears are beginning to move away from their home. Again Luckovich brings the audience back to the issue about the bear’s journey. Following that their previous home is gone where are these creatures going to inhabit next because the truth is they thrive in the cold. When the earth becomes this blistering hot then they will not survive for long and without a doubt this expedition is