Satire In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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Kesey’s perspective on society is illuminated through Nurse Ratched’s tyrannical ward which has been influenced by the time, place and the culture of 1960s American Society. ADOLF HITLER / MCCARTHYISM Ken Kesey’s, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest presents a confronting satire, in which Nurse Ratched’s oppressive and tyrannical government in the ward prevents freedom and self-expression. Nurse Ratched’s manipulation of patients and tyrannical rule over the ward is comparable to Adolf Hitler’s rule over Nazi Germany. Similar to Adolf Hitler, an egomaniac, Nurse Ratched, portrays institutional authorities, mercilessly punishing patients and manipulating them into conforming with her ideas of a perfect society. The asylum “hum[s] hate and death” …show more content…

The table, a religious symbol, performs the function of destroying lives and making public examples of those who rebel against the ruling powers, while also symbolising crucifixion, and foreshadowing McMurphy’s inevitable sacrifice. Similar to Hitler, who concealed his actions from the German civilians, Nurse Ratched hid her ‘vile’ behaviour from outsiders. Through the despicable actions of Nurse Ratched, Kesey positions the reader to question the sinister notion of authoritative control. This is highlighted through Nurse Ratched’s manipulation of patients through her ‘democratic’ group meetings which were intended to transform the patients into ‘functioning, adjusted components’ ready to assimilate into society. Nurse Ratched maintained her position of power through her ‘pecking party’ where she manipulated patients into expelling shameful ‘confessions’ and performing humiliating …show more content…

The Soviet Union and the U.S had contrasting views on the ideas of capitalism and communism, in a bid for world domination the Cold War broke out. A “red scare” swept the nation, with a fear of possible nuclear conflict Americans were paranoid that their own families were communist, spies for the Soviet government. Initiated by Senator Joseph McCarthy, McCarthyism, preached for anti-communism and the suppression of the Anti-communist party. Supporters of communism (reds) were ostracised akin to the patients in the ward being ostracised from society, ‘the outside world’ cementing their chances of ever assimilating into modern society. Government bodies and followers of McCarthyism suppressed freedom of speech and persecuted the “Reds”, in the same manner, that Nurse Ratched controlled the speech and actions within the confines of the ward, controlling her patients every word and move through her “cogs and wires”, anyone who dared to cause an uproar was either humiliated in ‘democratic’ group therapy sessions, given ‘electroshock therapy’ or